

Output Media Adapted Cartographic Visualisation

14 years 8 months ago
Output Media Adapted Cartographic Visualisation
In modern cartography of the late twentieth century, the Internet offers an ideal platform for the communication via maps. The map graphics pose as an essential part of the graphical user interface in Atlas Information Systems (AIS) that enables the user to investigate the underlying data. Existing AIS largely deal with functionalities, but often do not concentrate on visualisation aspects. The solutions vary from simple line graphics with hardly any cartographic characteristics to systems that are based on scanned maps, ignoring the technical restrictions of the screen as an output medium. So the authors are searching for high-class AIS which should rely on cartographically improved map graphics suitable for both, screen visualisation and high-quality printing. Using legible map graphics which are adapted to the technical requirements of the output medium is one of the main criteria for user acceptance. Concerning the definition of characteristic sheets for printed maps, much experie...
Alexandra Stadler, Mirjanka Lechthaler
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IV
Authors Alexandra Stadler, Mirjanka Lechthaler
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