

OWL Change Management Patterns

14 years 1 months ago
OWL Change Management Patterns
Ontology evolution is a complex problem. In our work, we focus on issues related to change management, particularly consistency maintenance and we present in this paper, an overview of Change Management Patterns (CMP) that we have defined to model the three dimensions change, inconsistency and resolution alternative. Modelling these patterns and the links between them, helps to propose an automated process guiding and controlling change application while maintaining consistency of the evolved ontology. Change management depends closely on the ontology representation model, we focus on OWL language and we consider change impact on logical consistency as specified in OWL DL layer.
Rim Djedidi, Marie-Aude Aufaure
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where SWAP
Authors Rim Djedidi, Marie-Aude Aufaure
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