

P2P over MANET: Indirect Tree-based Routing

15 years 11 days ago
P2P over MANET: Indirect Tree-based Routing
Abstract--Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANET) and Peer-ToPeer (P2P) systems are emerging technologies sharing a common underlying decentralized networking paradigm. However, the related research activities have been mainly developed by different research communities, nullifying therefore the idea of an unitary approach able to assure effectiveness integrated solutions. In this paper, we propose a DHT-based routing protocol which integrates at the network layer both traditional direct routing, i.e. MANET routing, and indirect key-based routing, i.e. P2P routing. The feature of our proposal is the ability to build an overlay network in which the logical and physical proximity agree. The effectiveness of the proposed solution has been proved by numerical simulations.
Marcello Caleffi, Luigi Paura
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Marcello Caleffi, Luigi Paura
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