

Parallel Inference Machine PIM

14 years 1 months ago
Parallel Inference Machine PIM
: There have been no major control problems during the first three years of the new Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen (bullet train) Programmed Route Control (PRC) computer system. Prior to its commissioning in December, 1999, the first two years of the previous PRC computer system's operation experienced 10 major problems. This significant software quality improvement has been achieved through the use of a high fidelity real-time railroad simulation built on the Parallel Inference Machine (PIM). This simulator also contributes to significant improvement of every phase of the PRC computer system development and operation. The high fidelity real-time railroad simulator models such things as track and facility data, train schedules, train performance, signal and safety control system, route (track switch) control system, and train drive and control system. The model is as true to the physical system as possible, simulates the operation of trains in real-time (faster than real-time if necessa...
Kazuo Taki
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where FGCS
Authors Kazuo Taki
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