

A Parallel Robotic System with Force Sensors for Percutaneous Procedures Under CT-Guidance

14 years 5 months ago
A Parallel Robotic System with Force Sensors for Percutaneous Procedures Under CT-Guidance
Abstract. This paper presents a new robotic framework for assisted CTguided percutaneous procedures with force feedback and automatic patientto-image registration of needle. The purpose is to help practitioners in performing accurate needle insertion while preserving them from harmful intra-operative X-rays imaging devices. Starting from medical requirements for needle insertions in the liver under CT-scan, a description of a dedicated parallel robot is made. Its geometrical and physical properties are explained. The design is mainly based on the accuracy and safety constraints. A real prototype is presented that is currently tested.
Benjamin Maurin, Jacques Gangloff, Bernard Bayle,
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Benjamin Maurin, Jacques Gangloff, Bernard Bayle, Michel de Mathelin, Olivier Piccin, Philippe Zanne, Christophe Doignon, Luc Soler, Afshin Gangi
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