

Parametric Visualization of High Resolution Correlated Multi-spectral Features Using PCA

14 years 2 months ago
Parametric Visualization of High Resolution Correlated Multi-spectral Features Using PCA
An imaging mass spectrometer is an analytical instrument that can determine the spatial distribution of chemical compounds on complex surfaces. The output of the device is a multi-spectral datacube; a three-dimensional (3D) dataset in which the xy-dimension represents the surface position and the z-dimension represents the mass spectral distribution. Analysts try to discover correlations in spectral profiles and spatial distributions inside a datacube. New technological developments allow mass spectrometric imaging on a higher spatial and spectral resolution. In this paper we present a parametric visualization technique which allows an analyst to examine spectral and spatially correlated patterns on the highest possible resolution. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to e the datacube into several discriminating components. We represent these extracted features as abstract geometric shapes and use three parameters to allow for data exploration. The first parameter thresholds th...
Alexander Broersen, Robert van Liere, Ron M. A. He
Added 30 Sep 2010
Updated 30 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Alexander Broersen, Robert van Liere, Ron M. A. Heeren
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