

On the Passive Force Closure Set of Planar Grasps and Fixtures

13 years 11 months ago
On the Passive Force Closure Set of Planar Grasps and Fixtures
This paper considers grasps and fixtures whose contacts react according to force-displacement laws consistent with friction constrains at the contacts. The passive force closure set of such grasps and fixtures is the set of external wrenches (forces and torques) that can act on the grasped object and be stably balanced by the contacts. An external wrench belongs to this set if it induces a feasible equilibrium whose basin of attraction contains the initial unperturbed grasp configuration. The paper focuses on planar grasps and fixtures having sharp-tipped fingers or fixels that satisfy linear force-displacement laws. Using Morse Theory, the paper characterizes the number and stability type of the k-contact equilibria induced by a given external wrench. Based on this analysis, the paper provides closed-form expressions for the passive force closure set of k-contact grasps and fixtures. Computation of the allowed external wrenches is illustrated with examples. Finally, the paper d...
Amir Shapiro, Elon Rimon, Shraga Shoval
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IJRR
Authors Amir Shapiro, Elon Rimon, Shraga Shoval
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