

Pattern classes of permutations via bijections between linearly ordered sets

13 years 12 months ago
Pattern classes of permutations via bijections between linearly ordered sets
Abstract. A pattern class is a set of permutations closed under pattern involvement or, equivalently, defined by certain subsequence avoidance conditions. Any pattern class X which is atomic, i.e. indecomposable as a union of proper subclasses, has a representation as the set of subpermutations of a bijection between two countable (or finite) linearly ordered sets A and B. Concentrating on the situation where A is arbitrary and B = N, we demonstrate how the order-theoretic properties of A determine the structure of X and we establish results about independence, contiguousness and subrepresentations for classes admitting multiple representations of this form.
Sophie Huczynska, Nikola Ruskuc
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where EJC
Authors Sophie Huczynska, Nikola Ruskuc
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