A matroid M is sequential or has path width 3 if M is 3-connected and its ground set has a sequential ordering, that is, an ordering (e1, e2, . . . , en) such that ({e1, e2, . . . ...
Let be a G-symmetric graph, and let B be a nontrivial G-invariant partition of the vertex set of . This paper aims to characterize (, G) under the conditions that the quotient gr...
For a graph G and a set D V (G), define Nr[x] = {xi V (G) : d(x, xi) r} (where d(x, y) is graph theoretic distance) and Dr(x) = Nr[x] D. D is known as an r-identifying code if...
We present improved lower bounds on the sizes of small maximal partial ovoids and small maximal partial spreads in the classical symplectic and orthogonal polar spaces, and improv...
Jan De Beule, Andreas Klein, Klaus Metsch, Leo Sto...
We study certain constraint satisfaction problems which are the problems of deciding whether there exists a homomorphism from a given relational structure to a fixed structure with...
Abstract. In this paper we enumerate the number of ways of selecting k objects from n objects arrayed in a line such that no two selected ones are separated by m-1, 2m-1,
Abstract. We prove a general theorem on semigroup functions that implies characterizations of graph partition functions in terms of the positive semidefiniteness (`reflection posit...