

The people-prototype problem: understanding the interaction between prototype format and user group

14 years 8 months ago
The people-prototype problem: understanding the interaction between prototype format and user group
When gathering feedback about an envisioned system, prototypes communicate design ideas to user groups. However, it is unclear how user responses are affected by prototype format. We conducted a 2x2 quasi-experiment (video /storyboard format x older and younger user groups) to test for an interaction between prototype format and user group. We found a significant interaction between prototype format and responses across user groups. Our results indicate that differences in user responses can be misinterpreted as the result of user group characteristics. We advise using multiple prototype formats to counteract a ‘media effect’. Alternatively, we advise using storyboards for a smaller ‘media effect’. Author Keywords Prototyping, video, storyboard, scenario based design, eldercare. ACM Classification Keywords H5.2.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): user interfaces – Theory and methods, Prototyping
Katherine M. Sellen, Micheal Massimi, Danielle M.
Added 22 Jul 2010
Updated 22 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CHI
Authors Katherine M. Sellen, Micheal Massimi, Danielle M. Lottridge, Khai N. Truong, Sean A. Bittle
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