

Perception of linear and nonlinear motion properties using a FACS validated 3D facial model

14 years 4 months ago
Perception of linear and nonlinear motion properties using a FACS validated 3D facial model
In this paper we present the first Facial Action Coding System (FACS) valid model to be based on dynamic 3D scans of human faces for use in graphics and psychological research. The model consists of FACS Action Unit (AU) based parameters and has been independently validated by FACS experts. Using this model, we explore the perceptual differences between linear facial motions – represented by a linear blend shape approach – and real facial motions that have been synthesized through the 3D facial model. Through numerical measures and visualizations, we show that this latter type of motion is geometrically nonlinear in terms of its vertices. In experiments, we explore the perceptual benefits of nonlinear motion for different AUs. Our results are insightful for designers of animation systems both in the entertainment industry and in scientific research. They reveal a significant overall benefit to using captured nonlinear geometric vertex motion over linear blend shape motion. Ho...
Darren Cosker, Eva Krumhuber, Adrian Hilton
Added 15 Aug 2010
Updated 15 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where APGV
Authors Darren Cosker, Eva Krumhuber, Adrian Hilton
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