

Performance bounds for tracking in a multipath environment

13 years 3 months ago
Performance bounds for tracking in a multipath environment
Tracking in a multipath environment poses many challenges. It is worth while to quantify the achievable performance bounds in such an environment. However finding the performance bounds could be challenging. This requires calculating derivatives of parameters that are functions of reflection points on walls, with respect to target related quantities. We propose a method to calculate the lower bound for minimum mean squared error (MMSE) in target state estimation in a multipath environment. A novel measurement model is introduced taking into account a general setup with locations of obstacle walls known. Furthermore we model the wall reflectivities as random variables. Simulation results are provided in which we have obtained the bound for various setups.
Bentarage Sachintha Karunaratne, Mark R. Morelande
Added 29 Aug 2011
Updated 29 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Bentarage Sachintha Karunaratne, Mark R. Morelande, Bill Moran, Stephen D. Howard
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