

PhosPhAt: the Arabidopsis thaliana phosphorylation site database. An update

13 years 10 months ago
PhosPhAt: the Arabidopsis thaliana phosphorylation site database. An update
: Growth and development of plants depends on uptake and assimilation of nutrients. Many assimilation products of macronutrients are not only essential for plant growth but also have signaling functions. Similarly to hormones they can trigger and control various metabolic, physiological and developmental processes. While the transcriptional responses to changes in these metabolites and nutrients have been fairly well studied, the signal transduction events upstream of transcription are less well understood. We know little about how plant cells can perceive and transduce nutrient-related signals across the plasma membrane into the nucleus. Most signalling pathways involve protein phosphorylation. Thus, modification-dependent changes in protein abundance and activity can be important features in signaling networks. Therefore, the analysis of phosphorylation events of membrane proteins under different nutrient regimes, and their dynamics was analyzed with the aim to identify proteins invo...
Pawel Durek, Robert Schmidt, Joshua L. Heazlewood,
Added 20 May 2011
Updated 20 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where NAR
Authors Pawel Durek, Robert Schmidt, Joshua L. Heazlewood, Alexandra Jones, Daniel MacLean, Axel Nagel, Birgit Kersten, Waltraud X. Schulze
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