

In-Place Learning for Positional and Scale Invariance

14 years 5 months ago
In-Place Learning for Positional and Scale Invariance
— In-place learning is a biologically inspired concept, meaning that the computational network is responsible for its own learning. With in-place learning, there is no need for a separate learning network. We present in this paper a multiple-layer in-place learning network (MILN) for learning positional and scale invariance. The network enables both unsupervised and supervised learning to occur concurrently. When supervision is available (e.g., from the environment during autonomous development), the network performs supervised learning through its multiple layers. When supervision is not available, the network practices while using its own practice motor signal as self-supervision (i.e., unsupervised per classical definition). We present principles based on which MILN automatically develops positional and scale invariant neurons in different layers. From sequentially sensed video streams, the proposed in-place learning algorithm develops a hierarchy of network representations. The ...
Juyang Weng, Hong Lu, Tianyu Luwang, Xiangyang Xue
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Juyang Weng, Hong Lu, Tianyu Luwang, Xiangyang Xue
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