: This paper looks at factors affecting the success of asynchronous online learning through an investigation of relationships between student perceptions and course design factors ...
Karen Swan, Peter Shea, Eric Fredericksen, Alexand...
Abstract. The following article presents a Mash-Up Personal Learning Environment called ReMashed that recommends learning resources from emerging information of a Learning Network....
Hendrik Drachsler, Dries Pecceu, Tanja Arts, Edwin...
— In-place learning is a biologically inspired concept, meaning that the computational network is responsible for its own learning. With in-place learning, there is no need for a...
Juyang Weng, Hong Lu, Tianyu Luwang, Xiangyang Xue
Positioning in learning networks is a process that assists learners in finding a starting point and an efficient route in the network that will foster competence building. In orde...
Jan van Bruggen, Ellen Rusman, Bas Giesbers, Rob K...