

On planar intersection graphs with forbidden subgraphs

14 years 16 days ago
On planar intersection graphs with forbidden subgraphs
Let C be a family of n compact connected sets in the plane, whose intersection graph G(C) has no complete bipartite subgraph with k vertices in each of its classes. Then G(C) has at most n times a polylogarithmic number of edges, where the exponent of the logarithmic factor depends on k. In the case where C consists of convex sets, we improve this bound to O(n log n). If in addition k = 2, the bound can be further improved to O(n).
János Pach, Micha Sharir
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JGT
Authors János Pach, Micha Sharir
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