Let C be a family of n compact connected sets in the plane, whose intersection graph G(C) has no complete bipartite subgraph with k vertices in each of its classes. Then G(C) has ...
Abstract: In any r-uniform hypergraph H for 2 t r we define an runiform t-tight Berge-cycle of length , denoted by C(r,t) , as a sequence of distinct vertices v1, v2, . . . , v ,...
Bonnington and Richter defined the cycle space of an infinite graph to consist of the sets of edges of subgraphs having even degree at every vertex. Diestel and K
: We develop a general model of edge spaces in order to generalize, unify, and simplify previous work on cycle spaces of infinite graphs. We give simple topological criteria to sho...
The measurable list chromatic number of a graph G is the smallest number such that if each vertex v of G is assigned a set L(v) of measure in a fixed atomless measure space, the...
We consider the following question: how large does n have to be to guarantee that in any two-colouring of the edges of the complete graph Kn,n there is a monochromatic Kk,k? In th...