

Planning with iFALCON: Towards A Neural-Network-Based BDI Agent Architecture

14 years 3 months ago
Planning with iFALCON: Towards A Neural-Network-Based BDI Agent Architecture
This paper presents iFALCON, a model of BDI (beliefdesire-intention) agents that is fully realized as a selforganizing neural network architecture. Based on multichannel network model called fusion ART, iFALCON is developed to bridge the gap between a self-organizing neural network that autonomously adapts its knowledge and the BDI agent model that follows explicit descriptions. Novel techniques called gradient encoding are introduced for representing sequences and hierarchical structures to realize plans and the intention structure. This paper shows that a simplified plan representation can be encoded as weighted connections in the neural network through a process of supervised learning. A case study using the blocks world domain shows that an iFALCON agent can also do planning to solve problems when the knowledge is incomplete.
Budhitama Subagdja, Ah-Hwee Tan
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IAT
Authors Budhitama Subagdja, Ah-Hwee Tan
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