Knowledge about user goals is crucial for realizing the vision of intelligent agents acting upon user intent on the web. In a departure from existing approaches, this paper propos...
Markus Strohmaier, Peter Prettenhofer, Mark Kr&oum...
Scaffolding techniques allow human instructors to support novice learners in critical early stages, and to remove that support as expertise grows. This paper describes nAble, an a...
Joseph MacInnes, Stephanie Santosa, Nathan Kronenf...
As information and communication technologies are becoming an integral part of our homes, the demand for AmI systems with assistive functionality is increasing. A great effort has...
Todor Dimitrov, Josef Pauli, Edwin Naroska, Christ...
This paper presents iFALCON, a model of BDI (beliefdesire-intention) agents that is fully realized as a selforganizing neural network architecture. Based on multichannel network m...
This paper focuses on how capabilities to interpret another agent's emotions, and their biological realisation can be modelled. First a cognitive and a biological agent model...
To ensure multi-agent based simulation models reproducibility, particular attention must be payed on its possible implementation ambiguities. This concerns every aspect of simulat...
In the context of cognitive agent programming frameworks, a main research effort accounts for exploiting goalorientation for specifying and enacting agent interaction. Existing re...
Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Lars Braubach, A...
Use of game-theoretic models to address patrolling applications has gained increasing interest in the very last years. The patrolling agent is considered playing a game against an...
TD-FALCON (Temporal Difference - Fusion Architecture for Learning, COgnition, and Navigation) is a class of self-organizing neural networks that incorporates Temporal Difference (...
While context-awareness has been found to be effective for decision support in complex domains, most of such decision support systems are hard-coded, incurring significant develop...