

Pointer cache assisted prefetching

14 years 5 months ago
Pointer cache assisted prefetching
Data prefetching effectively reduces the negative effects of long load latencies on the performance of modern processors. Hardware prefetchers employ hardware structures to predict future memory addresses based on previous patterns. Thread-based prefetchers use portions of the actual program code to determine future load addresses for prefetching. This paper proposes the use of a pointer cache, which tracks pointer transitions, to aid prefetching. The pointer cache provides, for a given pointer’s effective address, the base address of the object pointed to by the pointer. We examine using the pointer cache in a wide issue superscalar processor as a value predictor and to aid prefetching when a chain of pointers is being traversed. When a load misses in the L1 cache, but hits in the pointer cache, the first two cache blocks of the pointed to object are prefetched. In addition, the load’s dependencies are broken by using the pointer cache hit as a value prediction. We also examine ...
Jamison D. Collins, Suleyman Sair, Brad Calder, De
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Jamison D. Collins, Suleyman Sair, Brad Calder, Dean M. Tullsen
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