

Post-placement rewiring and rebuffering by exhaustive search for functional symmetries

14 years 9 months ago
Post-placement rewiring and rebuffering by exhaustive search for functional symmetries
Separate optimizations of logic and layout have been thoroughly studied in the past and are well documented for common benchmarks. However, to be competitive, modern circuit optimizations must use physical and logic information simultaneously. In this work, we propose new algorithms for rewiring and rebuffering — a post-placement optimization that reconnects pins of a given netlist without changing the logic function and gate locations. These techniques are compatible with separate layout and logic optimizations, and appear independent of them. In particular, when the new optimization is applied before or after detailed placement, it approximately doubles the improvement in wirelength. Our contributions are based on exhaustive search for functional symmetries in sub-circuits consisting of several gates. Our graphbased symmetry finding is more comprehensive than previously known algorithms — it detects permutational and phase-shift symmetries on multiple input and output wires, as...
Kai-Hui Chang, Igor L. Markov, Valeria Bertacco
Added 16 Mar 2010
Updated 16 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Kai-Hui Chang, Igor L. Markov, Valeria Bertacco
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