

Prefetch-Aware DRAM Controllers

14 years 6 months ago
Prefetch-Aware DRAM Controllers
Existing DRAM controllers employ rigid, non-adaptive scheduling and buffer management policies when servicing prefetch requests. Some controllers treat prefetch requests the same as demand requests, others always prioritize demand requests over prefetch requests. However, none of these rigid policies result in the best performance because they do not take into account the usefulness of prefetch requests. If prefetch requests are useless, treating prefetches and demands equally can lead to significant performance loss and extra bandwidth consumption. In contrast, if prefetch requests are useful, prioritizing demands over prefetches can hurt performance by reducing DRAM throughput and delaying the service of useful requests. This paper proposes a new low-cost memory controller, called Prefetch-Aware DRAM Controller (PADC), that aims to maximize the benefit of useful prefetches and minimize the harm caused by useless prefetches. To accomplish this, PADC estimates the usefulness of pref...
Chang Joo Lee, Onur Mutlu, Veynu Narasiman, Yale N
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Chang Joo Lee, Onur Mutlu, Veynu Narasiman, Yale N. Patt
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