

Price Trackers Inspired by Immune Memory

14 years 16 days ago
Price Trackers Inspired by Immune Memory
Abstract. In this paper we outline initial concepts for an immune inspired algorithm to evaluate price time series data. The proposed solution evolves a short term pool of trackers dynamically through a process of proliferation and mutation, with each member attempting to map to trends in price movements. Successful trackers feed into a long term memory pool that can generalise across repeating trend patterns. Tests are performed to examine the algorithm's ability to successfully identify trends in a small data set. The influence of the long term memory pool is then examined. We find the algorithm is able to identify price trends presented successfully and efficiently.
William O. Wilson, Phil Birkin, Uwe Aickelin
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors William O. Wilson, Phil Birkin, Uwe Aickelin
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