Abstract. In this paper we outline initial concepts for an immune inspired algorithm to evaluate price time series data. The proposed solution evolves a short term pool of trackers...
We outline initial concepts for an immune inspired algorithm to evaluate and predict oil price time series data. The proposed solution evolves a short term pool of trackers dynami...
Verifying the published results of algorithms is part of the usual research process. This helps to both validate the existing literature, but also quite often allows for new insigh...
This paper presents a novel immune inspired algorithm, named DERA (Dynamic Effector Regulatory Algorithm), aimed at fault detection and other anomaly detection problems. It integr...
Thiago S. Guzella, Tomaz A. Mota-Santos, Walmir M....
We present an Immune Inspired Algorithm, based on CLONALG, for software test data evolution. Generated tests are evaluated using the mutation testing adequacy criteria, and used to...