

Priority scheduling in digital microfluidics-based biochips

14 years 6 months ago
Priority scheduling in digital microfluidics-based biochips
Discrete droplet digital microfluidics-based biochips face problems similar to that in other VLSI CAD systems, but with new constraints and interrelations. We focus on one such problem of resource constrained scheduling for digital microfluidic biochips. Since the problem is NP-complete, finding the optimal solution is a very time expensive task. We propose a hybrid priority scheduling algorithm solution directly applicable to digital microfluidics with the potential to yield near optimal schedules in the general case in a very short time. Furthermore we propose the use of configurable detectors that allow for even more improved system performance.
Andrew J. Ricketts, Kevin M. Irick, Narayanan Vija
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where DATE
Authors Andrew J. Ricketts, Kevin M. Irick, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Mary Jane Irwin
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