

A probabilistic algorithm to test local algebraic observability in polynomial time

14 years 7 months ago
A probabilistic algorithm to test local algebraic observability in polynomial time
The following questions are often encountered in system and control theory. Given an algebraic model of a physical process, which variables can be, in theory, deduced from the input-output behavior of an experiment? How many of the remaining variables should we assume to be known in order to determine all the others? These questions are parts of the local algebraic observability problem which is concerned with the existence of a non trivial Lie subalgebra of the symmetries of the model letting the inputs and the outputs invariant. We present a probabilistic seminumerical algorithm that proposes a solution to this problem in polynomial time. A bound for the necessary number of arithmetic operations on the rational field is presented. This bound is polynomial in the complexity of evaluation of the model and in the number of variables. Furthermore, we show that the size of the integers involved in the computations is polynomial in the number of variables and in the degree of the system....
Alexandre Sedoglavic
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Alexandre Sedoglavic
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