

Program and Evaluation Planning Light: Planning in the Real World

14 years 11 days ago
Program and Evaluation Planning Light: Planning in the Real World
Although there are many high-quality models for program and evaluation planning, these models are often too intensive to be used in situations when time and resources are scarce. Additionally, there is little added value in using an elaborate and expensive program and evaluation planning procedure when programs are small or are planned to be short-lived. To meet the need for simplified models for program and evaluation planning, we describe a model that includes only what we consider to be the most essential outcomes-based program and evaluation planning steps: (a) how to create a logic model that shows how the program is causally expected to lead to outcomes, (b) how to use the logic model to identify the goals and objectives that the program is responsible for; (c) how to formulate measures, baselines, and targets from the goals and objectives; and (d) how to construct program activities that align with program targets. Key words: program evaluation, program planning, logic models. ...
Justus J. Randolph, Pasi J. Eronen
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where IIE
Authors Justus J. Randolph, Pasi J. Eronen
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