

A Program Refinement Framework Supporting Reasoning about Knowledge and Time

14 years 3 months ago
A Program Refinement Framework Supporting Reasoning about Knowledge and Time
Abstract. This paper develops a highly expressive semantic framework for program refinement that supports both temporal reasoning and reasoning about the knowledge of a single agent. The framework generalizes a previously developed temporal refinement framework by amalgamating it with a logic of quantified local propositions, a generalization of the logic of knowledge. The combined framework provides a formal setting for development of knowledge-based programs, and addresses two problems of existing theories of such programs: lack of compositionality and the fact that such programs often have only implementations of high computational complexity. Use of the framework is illustrated by a control theoretic example concerning a robot operating with an imprecise position sensor.
Kai Engelhardt, Ron van der Meyden, Yoram Moses
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Kai Engelhardt, Ron van der Meyden, Yoram Moses
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