

Progressive cut

14 years 6 months ago
Progressive cut
Recently, interactive image cutout technique becomes prevalent for image segmentation problem due to its easy-to-use nature. However, most existing stroke-based interactive object cutout system did not consider the user intention inherent in the user interaction process. Strokes in sequential steps are treated as a collection rather than a process, and only the color information of the additional stroke is used to update the color model in the graph cut framework. Accordingly, unexpected fluctuation effect may occur during the process of interactive object cutout. In fact, each step of user interaction reflects the user’s evaluation of previous result and his/her intention. By analyzing the user’s intention behind the interaction, we propose a progressive cut algorithm, which explicitly models the user’s intention into a graph cut framework for the object cutout task. Three aspects of user intention are utilized: 1) the color of the stroke indicates the kind of change s/he expec...
Chao Wang, Qiong Yang, Mo Chen, Xiaoou Tang, Zhong
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where MM
Authors Chao Wang, Qiong Yang, Mo Chen, Xiaoou Tang, Zhongfu Ye
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