

Propagating Integrity Information among Interrelated Databases

14 years 4 months ago
Propagating Integrity Information among Interrelated Databases
Data integrity policies often require that quality and integrity metadata be generated and communicated to potential users. However, in data warehouses, federations, and other multi-tier databases, administrators at different tiers use different schemas. Data at the upper tier is derived from the lower, so we consider the upper tier's tables to be views, derived by SQL-like expressions. Unfortunately, an assertion about some granule in the sources (a table, column, or cell) is often meaningless to view users, and vice versa. An understanding of the SQL view gives intuitive guidance for propagating such metadata, but not explicit semantics. It appears feasible to create a system that drastically reduces the skill and labor required for propagating metadata and events between the tiers. We show many examples where, based on the view query and the metadata on the relevant sources, one can automatically generate useful propagation rules. Propagation downward from views to sources is ...
Arnon Rosenthal, Edward Sciore
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where TC
Authors Arnon Rosenthal, Edward Sciore
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