

QPME 2.0 - A Tool for Stochastic Modeling and Analysis Using Queueing Petri Nets

13 years 9 months ago
QPME 2.0 - A Tool for Stochastic Modeling and Analysis Using Queueing Petri Nets
Abstract Queueing Petri nets are a powerful formalism that can be exploited for modeling distributed systems and analyzing their performance and scalability. By combining the modeling power and expressiveness of queueing networks and stochastic Petri nets, queueing Petri nets provide a number of advantages. In this paper, we present Version 2.0 of our tool QPME (Queueing Petri net Modeling Environment) for modeling and analysis of systems using queueing Petri nets. The development of the tool was initiated by Samuel Kounev in 2003 at the Technische Universit
Samuel Kounev, Simon Spinner, Philipp Meier
Added 21 Mar 2011
Updated 21 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Samuel Kounev, Simon Spinner, Philipp Meier
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