

Quality Assessment of Peptide Tandem Mass Spectra

14 years 6 months ago
Quality Assessment of Peptide Tandem Mass Spectra
Background: Tandem mass spectrometry has emerged as a cornerstone of high throughput proteomic studies owing in part to various high throughput search engines which are used to interpret these tandem mass spectra. However, majority of experimental tandem mass spectra cannot be interpreted by any existing methods. There are many reasons why this happens. However, one of the most important reasons is that majority of experimental spectra are of too poor quality to be interpretable. It wastes time to interpret these "uninterpretable" spectra by any methods. On the other hand, some spectra of high quality are not able to get a score high enough to be interpreted by existing search engines because there are many similar peptides in the searched database. However, such spectra may be good enough to be interpreted by de novo methods or manually verifying methods. Therefore, it is worth in developing a method for assessing spectral quality, which can used for filtering the spectra o...
Fang-Xiang Wu, Pierre Gagné, Arnaud Droit,
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Fang-Xiang Wu, Pierre Gagné, Arnaud Droit, Guy G. Poirier
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