

Quality Metrics in Learning Objects

14 years 6 months ago
Quality Metrics in Learning Objects
In today's rapidly evolving society, the range and depth of information available to us is quickly growing which affects educational institutions, who find it difficult to keep their programmes up to date, whilst students struggle to find the right information. The paradigm of learning objects is an emerging technology aimed towards facilitating the managements of the massive amount of (educational) resources available. Enabling users relying on this paradigm to use concise and high quality pieces of knowledge within different contexts represents a key challenge. Therefore, when designing learning objects, reusability must be a key consideration. Bearing this in mind, the current lack of metrics to help measure quality and reusability represents a major issue. Specific metrics for learning objects will eventually appear, probably based on extended and improved metadata. In the meantime, there remains the need to measure the potential reusability of the existing base of learning ob...
Juan F. Cervera, María G. López-L&oa
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where MTSR
Authors Juan F. Cervera, María G. López-López, Cristina Fernández, Salvador Sánchez Alonso
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