

Quantifying the coding power of zerotrees of wavelet coefficients: a degree-k zerotree model

15 years 4 months ago
Quantifying the coding power of zerotrees of wavelet coefficients: a degree-k zerotree model
A degree-k zerotree model is presented, in order to quantify the coding power of zerotrees in wavelet-based image coding. Based on the model, the coding behaviors of modern zerotree based image coders are clearly explained. Also, we explain why the well-known SPIHT algorithm can code a wider range of zerotrees than EZW. Experimental results support our idea that higher degree zerotree coder will have more coding power.
Yushin Cho, William A. Pearlman
Added 23 Oct 2009
Updated 14 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICIP
Authors Yushin Cho, William A. Pearlman
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