

Quantized average consensus via dynamic coding/decoding schemes

14 years 9 months ago
Quantized average consensus via dynamic coding/decoding schemes
— In the average consensus a set of linear systems has to be driven to the same final state which corresponds to the average of their initial states. This contribution presents a consensus strategy in which the systems can exchange information among themselves according to a fixed connected digital communication network. Beside the decentralized computational aspects induced by the choice of the communication network, we here have also to face the quantization effects due to the digital links. We here present and discuss two different encoding/decoding strategies with theoretical and simulation results on their performance.
Ruggero Carli, Francesco Bullo, Sandro Zampieri
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CDC
Authors Ruggero Carli, Francesco Bullo, Sandro Zampieri
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