

Rapid Prototyping of Embedded Software Using Selective Formalism

14 years 6 months ago
Rapid Prototyping of Embedded Software Using Selective Formalism
Our software synthesis tool, CSP++, generates C++ source code from verifiable CSPm specifications, and includes a framework for runtime execution. Our technique of selective formalism allows the synthesized formal control backbone code to be linked with non-formal usercoded C++ functions that carry out I/O and data processing. This tool already facilitates rapid prototyping of formally-specified software by bypassing the customary manual translation from a formal notation. In this work, we extend the rapid prototyping capability to SOPC (system on programmable chip) by targeting the CSP++ execution framework to an FPGA processor core. This is demonstrated with a new point-of-sale case study.
John D. Carter, Ming Xu, William B. Gardner
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where RSP
Authors John D. Carter, Ming Xu, William B. Gardner
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