

Recent Developments in Algorithmic Teaching

14 years 7 months ago
Recent Developments in Algorithmic Teaching
Abstract. The present paper surveys recent developments in algorithmic teaching. First, the traditional teaching dimension model is recalled. Starting from the observation that the teaching dimension model sometimes leads to counterintuitive results, recently developed approaches are presented. Here, main emphasis is put on the following aspects derived from human teaching/learning behavior: the order in which examples are presented should matter; teaching should become harder when the memory size of the learners decreases; teaching should become easier if the learners provide feedback; and it should be possible to teach infinite concepts and/or finite and infinite concept classes. Recent developments in the algorithmic teaching achieving (some) of these aspects are presented and compared.
Frank J. Balbach, Thomas Zeugmann
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where LATA
Authors Frank J. Balbach, Thomas Zeugmann
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