

Reconfigurable Architectures and Instruction Sets: Programmability, Code Generation, and Program Execution

14 years 5 months ago
Reconfigurable Architectures and Instruction Sets: Programmability, Code Generation, and Program Execution
Abstract. Within Self-reconfiguring systems two basic problems arise: on instruction level, reconfigurable instruction sets make program generation and execution inherently difficult. In addition, reconfiguration must not violate certain restrictions vital for the running application. In this paper we describe a combined low-overhead approach which targets both problems by instrumenting an attributed low-overhead run-time environment which is able to dynamically map application-specific instructions to a variety of implementation alternatives while strictly adhering to given application demands. Our approach can be used application-independent and is suitable for use within the adaptive planning stage of a Self-X system as demonstrated by a reference implementation.
Rainer Buchty
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Rainer Buchty
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