

Reconsidering the "Software Crisis": A Study of Hypermedia Systems Development

14 years 1 months ago
Reconsidering the "Software Crisis": A Study of Hypermedia Systems Development
With the advent and growth of the Web, hypermedia information systems have propagated within and beyond organizations. Much concern has been expressed about the quality of hypermedia systems being developed and the apparent absence of disciplined development practices. There has been talk that the infamous “software crisis” is afflicting hypermedia systems development, allegedly brought about by shoddy project management, inadequate requirements analysis and planning, and ad hoc “quick and dirty” development approaches. This paper reports on the findings of a survey of 438 organisations in Ireland, the objectives of which were to test the validity of assertions of a “hypermedia crisis”, and to explore what mechanisms if any are being used to guide and control hypermedia systems development. The preliminary conclusions are that hypermedia development is much more disciplined that popularly believed, and the state of practice is much healthier than depicted by many academic ...
Michael Lang
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Michael Lang
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