
87views more  NRHM 2002»
13 years 12 months ago
Denotative and connotative semantics in hypermedia: proposal for a semiotic-aware architecture
In this article we claim that the linguistic-centred view within hypermedia systems needs refinement through a semiotic-based approach before real interoperation between media can...
Frank Nack, Lynda Hardman
116views more  JUCS 2002»
13 years 12 months ago
Design for All as a Challenge for Hypermedia Engineering
: Design for All is an important challenge for hypermedia engineering. We analyze this challenge and show that it is necessary to find a way of describing partially designed hyperm...
Volker Mattick
131views more  JUCS 2002»
13 years 12 months ago
An Object-oriented Approach to Design, Specification, and Implementation of Hyperlink Structures Based on Usual Software Develop
: Different models and methodologies for the development of hypermedia systems and applications have emerged in the recent years. Software-technical methods and principles enriched...
Alexander Fronk
96views more  CSUR 1999»
13 years 12 months ago
Hypermedia on the Web: what will it take?
: Researchers in the hypermedia field often lament that the World Wide Web does not support many of hypermedia's rich structuring, navigation and annotation features. What wou...
Fabio Vitali, Michael Bieber
83views more  CSUR 1999»
13 years 12 months ago
Versioning hypermedia
: Keeping multiple versions of the same electronic artifact is a necessity in many authoring fields, and a serious advantage in all of them. Hypermedia adds to that the issue of re...
Fabio Vitali
144views more  CSUR 1999»
13 years 12 months ago
Adaptive hypermedia: from systems to framework
: The navigational freedom in conventional hypermedia applications leads to comprehension and orientation problems [Nielsen 1990]. Adaptive hypermedia attempts to overcome these pr...
Paul De Bra, Peter Brusilovsky, Geert-Jan Houben
113views more  RCC 2000»
14 years 2 days ago
The Aristotle Approach to Open Hypermedia
Large-scale distributed hypermedia systems comprise a generation of powerful tools to meet the demands of the new information globalization era. The most promising of such systems...
Costas Petrou, Drakoulis Martakos, Michael Hatzopo...
108views more  MTA 2000»
14 years 2 days ago
Towards A New Authoring Methodology for Large-Scale Hypermedia Applications
As the amount of information technology increases, managing information resources, so that the correct people can find the information easily, becomes a critical issue. Hypermedia...
Ian Heath, Gary Wills, Richard Crowder, Wendy Hall...
132views more  CE 2005»
14 years 6 days ago
Cognitive style, hypermedia navigation and learning
This study examined the influence of cognitive style, spatial orientation and computer expertise on hypertext navigation patterns and learning outcomes when participants interacte...
Andrea Calcaterra, Alessandro Antonietti, Jean Und...
96views more  JNCA 2008»
14 years 8 days ago
Patterns of message interchange in decoupled hypermedia systems
Open hypermedia systems provide a decoupled approach to structural computing. This entails that the architecture of the systems are made up of user agents that communicate with di...
Sinuhé Arroyo, Miguel-Ángel Sicilia,...