

Redeeming IPC as a Performance Metric for Multithreaded Programs

14 years 8 months ago
Redeeming IPC as a Performance Metric for Multithreaded Programs
Recent work has shown that multithreaded workloads running in execution-driven, full-system simulation environments cannot use instructions per cycle (IPC) as a valid performance metric due to non-deterministic program behavior. Unfortunately, invalidating IPC as a performance metric introduces its own host of difficulties: special workload setup, consideration of cold-start and end-effects, statistical methodologies leading to increased simulation bandwidth, and workload-specific, higher-level metrics to measure performance. This paper explores the non-determinism problem in multithreaded programs, describes a method to eliminate non-determinism across simulations of different experimental machine models, and demonstrates the suitability of this methodology for performing architectural performance analysis, thus redeeming IPC as a performance metric for multithreaded programs.
Kevin M. Lepak, Harold W. Cain, Mikko H. Lipasti
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Kevin M. Lepak, Harold W. Cain, Mikko H. Lipasti
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