Parallel programs are known to be difficult to analyze. A key reason is that they typically have an enormous number of execution interleavings, or schedules. Static analysis over...
Jingyue Wu, Yang Tang, Gang Hu, Heming Cui, Junfen...
Multithreaded programs often suffer from synchronization bugs such as atomicity violations and deadlocks. These bugs arise from complicated locking strategies and ad hoc synchroni...
Haris Volos, Andres Jaan Tack, Michael M. Swift, S...
In this paper we propose a communication-centric approach to specifying and checking how multithreaded programs use shared memory to perform inter-thread communication. Our approa...
Benjamin P. Wood, Adrian Sampson, Luis Ceze, Dan G...
Abstract. A major difficulty for tracking information flow in multithreaded programs is due to the internal timing covert channel. Information is leaked via this channel when secre...
Alejandro Russo, John Hughes, David A. Naumann, An...
This paper describes ThreadMon, a monitoring tool for improving the performance of multithreaded programs, and how we have used it to examine various aspects of the many-to-many (...
This paper presents a novel interprocedural, ow-sensitive, and context-sensitive pointer analysis algorithm for multithreaded programs that may concurrently update shared pointers...
Abstract. The field of program analysis has focused primarily on sequential programming languages. But multithreading is becoming increasingly important, both as a program structu...
Recent work has shown that multithreaded workloads running in execution-driven, full-system simulation environments cannot use instructions per cycle (IPC) as a valid performance ...
The ability to summarize procedures is fundamental to building scalable interprocedural analyses. For sequential programs, procedure summarization is well-understood and used rout...
Atomicity is a fundamental correctness property in multithreaded programs. This paper presents an algorithm for verifying atomicity via type inference. The underlying type system ...
Cormac Flanagan, Stephen N. Freund, Marina Lifshin