

Relationship between Leadership Capability and Knowledge Management: a Measurement Approach

14 years 3 months ago
Relationship between Leadership Capability and Knowledge Management: a Measurement Approach
The importance of leadership capability (LC) and knowledge management (KM) are well recognised in the popular and academic press to achieve competitive advantage. Although organisations are applying many skills and practices to address the problems for the achievement of competitive advantage, but unable to focus on the measurement and relationship aspects of LC and KM. Many organisations are succeeding and achieving their goals and targets generally with their human resource skills, and particularly with LC and KM. But there are no methodologies for their measurement aspects to plan for the required human resource with necessary competencies as per the desired organisational goals. A research is carried out to develop a methodology for the measurement and relationship aspects of the LC and KM. As the main purpose of this paper is to investigate a relationship between LC and KM, a research study is carried out in: (i) development of process models for LC and KM, (ii) developed an instr...
G. Suri Babu, T. Mohana Rao, Salma Ahmed, K. S. Gu
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JIKM
Authors G. Suri Babu, T. Mohana Rao, Salma Ahmed, K. S. Gupta
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