

Remote Laboratories for Technological and Scientific Education

14 years 1 months ago
Remote Laboratories for Technological and Scientific Education
In this work, a laboratory of remote access is proposed to perform experiments using the Internet in order to facilitate the propagation of technical and scientific information and provide a new resource to the long distance learning or in supporting to the traditional education. In this context, a new technological tool, called LabNet, was developed to give students the possibility of manipulating and visualizing on-line responses of monitored experiments that are controlled by a data acquisition station. It can be used in several kinds of areas such as engineering, chemistry, physics, biology, metrology, etc., wherever it is possible to activate processes and to collect data. Our first set of remote experiments includes a series of experiments using a DC-motor control and process data acquisition. KEYWORDS Internet, distance learning, laboratory, educational technology.
Cleonilson Souza, Lindbergue Conde, José Fi
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Cleonilson Souza, Lindbergue Conde, José Filho, Rafael Moreira
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