

Rendering The First Star In The Universe - A Case Study

14 years 8 months ago
Rendering The First Star In The Universe - A Case Study
For quantitative examination of phenomena that simultaneously occur on very different spatial and temporal scales, adaptive hierarchical schemes are required. A special numerical multilevel technique, associated with a particular hierarchical data structure, is so-called Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR). It allows one to bridge a wide range of spatial and temporal resolutions and therefore gains increasing popularity. We describe the interplay of several visualization and VR software packages for rendering time dependent AMR simulations of the evolution of the first star in the universe. The work was done in the framework of a television production for DISCOVERY CHANNEL TELEVISION, ”The Unfolding Universe.”. Parts of the data were taken from one of the most complex AMR simulation ever carried out: It contained up to 27 levels of resolution, requiring modifications to the texture based AMR volume rendering algorithm that was used to depict the density distribution of the gaseous i...
Ralf Kähler, Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stu
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Ralf Kähler, Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stuart Levy, Hans-Christian Hege, Tom Abel
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