

Repeatable and realistic wireless experimentation through physical emulation

14 years 13 days ago
Repeatable and realistic wireless experimentation through physical emulation
In wireless networking research, there has long existed a fundamental tension between experimental realism on one hand, and control and repeatability on the other hand. Hardware-based experimentation provides realism, but is tightly coupled to the physical environment and circumstances under which experiments are carried out. To overcome this, researchers have understandably embraced simulation as a means of evaluation. Unfortunately, wireless simulation is plagued with inherent inaccuracies. To overcome the stark tradeoff between the realism of hardware-based experimentation and the repeatability of simulation-based experimentation, we are developing a wireless emulator that enables both realistic and repeatable experimentation. Unlike previous emulators, our approach simultaneously achieves both a high degree of realism and fine-grained repeatability by leveraging physical layer emulation.
Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where CCR
Authors Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste
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