

Replacing Limit Learners with Equally Powerful One-Shot Query Learners

14 years 8 months ago
Replacing Limit Learners with Equally Powerful One-Shot Query Learners
Different formal learning models address different aspects of human learning. Below we compare Gold-style learning—interpreting learning as a limiting process in which the learner may change its mind arbitrarily often before converging to a correct hypothesis—to learning via queries—interpreting learning as a one-shot process in which the learner is required to identify the target concept with just one hypothesis. Although these two approaches seem rather unrelated at first glance, we provide characterizations of different models of Gold-style learning (learning in the limit, conservative inference, and behaviourally correct learning) in terms of query learning. Thus we describe the circumstances which are necessary to replace limit learners by equally powerful oneshot learners. Our results are valid in the general context of learning indexable classes of recursive languages. In order to achieve the learning capability of Gold-style learners, the crucial parameters of the que...
Steffen Lange, Sandra Zilles
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where COLT
Authors Steffen Lange, Sandra Zilles
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