

Resource Based Optimization for Simultaneous Shield and Repeater Insertion

13 years 7 months ago
Resource Based Optimization for Simultaneous Shield and Repeater Insertion
A new approach for resource based optimization for high performance integrated circuits is presented. The methodology is applied to simultaneous shield and repeater insertion, resulting in minimum coupling noise under power, delay, and area constraints. Design expressions exhibiting parabolic noise behavior are compared with SPICE simulations. Due to the parabolic coupled noise behavior, the minimum noise is established. A design case is compared with only shielding and only repeater insertion techniques, exhibiting enhanced performance for different resources.
Renatas Jakushokas, Eby G. Friedman
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Renatas Jakushokas, Eby G. Friedman
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