

Revealing Relations between Open and Closed Answers in Questionnaires through Text Clustering Evaluation

14 years 1 months ago
Revealing Relations between Open and Closed Answers in Questionnaires through Text Clustering Evaluation
Open answers in questionnaires contain valuable information that is very time-consuming to analyze manually. We present a method for hypothesis generation from questionnaires based on text clustering. Text clustering is used interactively on the open answers, and the user can explore the cluster contents. The exploration is guided by automatic evaluation of the clusters against a closed answer regarded as a categorization. This simplifies the process of selecting interesting clusters. The user formulates a hypothesis from the relation between the cluster content and the closed answer categorization. We have applied our method on an open answer regarding occupation compared to a closed answer on smoking habits. With no prior knowledge of smoking habits in different occupation groups we have generated the hypothesis that farmers smoke less than the average. The hypothesis is supported by several separate surveys. Closed answers are easy to analyze automatically but are restricted and ma...
Magnus Rosell, Sumithra Velupillai
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LREC
Authors Magnus Rosell, Sumithra Velupillai
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