

Robust Flash Deblurring

14 years 9 months ago
Robust Flash Deblurring
Motion blur due to camera shake is a annoying problem in low-light photography. In this paper, we propose a novel method to recover a sharp image from a pair of motion blurred and flash images, consecutively captured using a hand-held camera. We first introduce a robust flash gradient constraint by exploring the correlation between a sharp image and its corresponding flash image. Then we formulate our flash deblurring as solving a maximum-a-posteriori problem under the flash gradient constraint. We solve the problem by performing kernel estimation and non-blind deconvolution iteratively, leading to an accurate blur kernel and a reconstructed image with fine image details. Experiments on both synthetic and real images show the superiority of our method compared with existing methods.
Shaojie Zhuo, Dong Guo and Terence Sim
Added 19 Apr 2010
Updated 21 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CVPR
Authors Shaojie Zhuo, Dong Guo and Terence Sim
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